Competition in our Industry,

I was out walking today and thinking about how our industry plays with our self- esteem.  I became a make-up artist and an aesthetician when I was 18 years old.  The decision to do this came from mostly circumstances and definitely divine guidance.  When I started doing facials and makeup it was before MAC cosmetics was on the market, I actually helped open one the first locations ever with an amazing Canadian artist Francis Hathaway.  At the time MAC had maybe 12 eyeshadows and 12 blush contours etc. funny how things have changed over the years. but I digress..

I was never formally trained, I didn't go to art school to study. I learnt my craft on the job watching and working with Models and Photographers and  training with skin care companies and reading... alot and constantly.  I remember feeling these old feelings way back then of not being talented enough,, a deep sense of being inadequate., alot probably from my childhood but also how our industry is set up to create competition constantly. ... "Who is the best new Makeup artist, Who is the best Facialist, Who the best Hair Stylist etc...highlighted from the Magazines,  Tv shows and now Social Media.   I know it helps sell magazines and products and helps promote various businesses etc. but I grew to learn that the choosing of who would be highlighted was also a business in itself.  Don't get me wrong all of these artist have every right to be there as they are truly gifted artist and have worked so hard to get this recognition but again who decides who is the BEST.   I have been highlighted over the past 40 years in many of these magazines for Best of the Best but even when I would be featured I would read the article and be happy for a minute but it really didn't change anything.  It is nice to be recognized but again who is to say who is the Best?   I have had a brilliant career and continue to work hard to take care of my clients and the amazing people that work with me but I really felt the need to speak about this issue to the many many make-up artist and aestheticians that are NOT featured in these articles or work at the Elite Top Salons or Spas.  I am here to tell you if you are trying to do the best you can for your clients and striving to be a good person in this chaotic world you are Valuable and you are HIGHLIGHTED in my Best of the Best, if that means anything to you.  If you are running a small business in Kansas, Montana, Toronto, Idaho or working in New York struggling to be the best you can be, you are doing what you were made for.  You are a talented artist and a healer, never forget this.  You are here to serve your community in a way that only you can do.  I am proud of you.  

Best Jai 

Jai of Beverly Hills